Why You Need to Start A Family History Video

Why You Need to Start A Family History Video

In today’s busy world, it can be hard to find time for important family activities. When you think about it, though, the time is well worth it. After all, you’ll have a lifetime of memories to look back on and cherish forever.

One of the most important family activities is making a family history video. This is a great way to preserve your heritage and share it with future generations. A good family history video will honor your ancestors while also providing valuable information about your family’s past and present lives.

Benefits of Knowing Your Family History Video

It gives you a sense of identity

Knowing where you came from helps define who you are and gives you a sense of belonging to something greater than yourself. This can be especially important for children who don’t have strong ties with their parents or other relatives. For example, if a child is adopted or has parents who aren’t around very much, knowing about their biological family’s background may help them feel more connected to their roots.

It makes you more resilient

If you have a good understanding of your past, it can help you to cope with difficult experiences in the future. It helps you to see yourself as part of something bigger than yourself. You may find that this gives you more confidence and courage in dealing with adversity because you know that others have dealt with similar problems in the past and survived.

It can help identify health risks for yourself and your family members

If there are any diseases or conditions that run in your family, knowing about them can alert you to potential risks before they happen so that you can take steps to avoid them or manage them if they do occur. For example, if one of your relatives died from heart disease at a young age, there’s a chance that you could inherit this condition too, and should be aware of the symptoms so that you can take action quickly if they do appear in order to prevent further damage or even death.

It helps you connect with others

Knowing your family history can help you make sense of who you are, where you came from, and how far your ancestors have traveled in their journey towards self-discovery. By learning about your ancestors, you will also be able to find out more about yourself and the things that make you unique as an individual. This can help improve your relationships with friends and loved ones by helping them understand who you are as a person and why certain things matter to you so much.

It makes you a better human

Knowing about our past helps us understand ourselves and the world around us better — which allows us to make better decisions about how we live today. When we know more about our ancestors, we’re able to connect with them on a deeper level too; this connection helps us grow as individuals and improves our relationships with others by allowing us to see things from their perspective too!

Understanding our past can give us greater insight into ourselves and make us better people in the present day by helping us gain more empathy for others.

It helps you build or solidify a sense of family

We all have ancestors, and there are few things more interesting than learning about them. It also helps us understand ourselves. If we don’t know our history, it’s hard to make meaning out of who we are and why we act the way we do. This might be especially important if you’re from an immigrant family: knowing where your ancestors came from can help you appreciate certain aspects of their cultures (and perhaps better understand some of their behaviors).

You will also have a better understanding of who you are and where you come from. This can be very important when it comes to forming relationships with other people and building a sense of identity in the world.

It can be therapeutic

We all have ups and downs in life, but learning about our ancestors can help us cope with difficult situations better because it gives us perspective on our own lives and shows us that there will always be another day ahead of us no matter what happens in the present moment.

Fun Ways to Participate in a Family Video

Interview family members and share stories online

If you have an aging parent or grandparent who still has good memories of the past, consider interviewing them and creating a video that shares their stories and wisdom with your family. You can also interview other relatives you might not see often. The important thing is to capture their voice and share it with others.

Take and Share Photos

Start with pictures from your childhood, then progress through photos from when your children were younger, followed by pictures from their childhoods, etc. You could even include photos of the children’s children! Share these photos online by posting them on Facebook or Instagram, or by creating an album on Flickr or Shutterfly for family members to view anytime they want.

Print and Share a Chart

Create a printed chart that includes all the names of those who are related to each other (and maybe how many generations back), as well as birth dates so people can see how old each person is at any given time during the video recording session(s).

Record what you learn on familysearch.org. You can create your own profile on the free family history website, or use your parent or grandparent’s profile to add information about your family.

Make use of social media

Make use of social media. Social media is a great way for you to find other people who are doing similar things and share your interests with them. For example, you can use Facebook groups or Pinterest boards to connect with other people who are interested in genealogy or history. You can also use Twitter or Instagram to share photos from your research trips and journeys through historical sites, monuments, and museums.


With the world becoming smaller than ever before, we are looking to our roots and making family history videos to preserve our culture for future generations. As a result of technological advancement, the ability to be able to travel back in time has been greatly enhanced. Now we can know our family’s stories better, see an old photo easier, or hear a loved one’s voice once again.

If you enjoyed this article on family history videos, or think we left out anything important, please leave us a comment below! For more inspiration, check out our Instagram or Pinterest. We would love to hear from you!

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