Why EVERY Family Should Take More Videos

Why EVERY Family Should Take More Videos

Our kids are growing up fast, and often we get so caught up in the business of life that we forget to pause and enjoy the little things. I’ve come to a realization lately – it’s important for us as parents to take more videos of our children, not just because it is fun for them, but also because it is fun for us too! Here are some reasons why EVERY family should take more videos.

Document Growth and Change

Whether it’s a special moment or something simple like blowing out birthday candles, video is a great way to capture growth in your child. You’ll be able to look back on those memories years from now and see how much they’ve grown. It will also help you feel connected with them when they’re away at school or college because it can be hard sometimes when they’re not around all the time!

Capture Everyday Moments

As kids grow up, they may forget what life was like when they were younger — both the good parts and the bad parts. By taking videos of your child playing with their favorite toys or doing their favorite activities, you can preserve these memories forever for both them and yourself.

The everyday moments, including rainbows!

Teach Children About Life

There are so many things we can teach our children through the video that aren’t possible by just telling them or writing them down. For example, you could record yourself doing something complicated and then have your child watch it over and over again until they understand how to do it themselves!

Your Child Is Growing

You’re so busy trying to keep up with your little one, that you probably don’t have time to capture the stories of their milestones. Luckily, there’s an easy way to do this: video.

You can record anything from your child’s first words to their first steps and beyond! This is important because as our kids grow up, they change so quickly (and sometimes it goes by too fast). You may not remember how old your child was when they learned how to run or walk. But if you have a video, then you can show them later in life and say “remember when…?”

Video Will Help You Remember The Little Things

It can be difficult to remember the little things in life. The way your loved one’s hair looked when they were a baby. The way they used to say “I love you” (or whatever phrase is appropriate for your family). That time they said something funny or did something silly that you wouldn’t otherwise remember without having video proof.

It’s easy to miss out on these moments if you’re not there when it happens, but when you record them on video, even if only for yourself, it’s like having access to an extra memory bank! You’ll be able to go back at any point in the future and replay those memories whenever necessary—and trust me: there will come a time when this becomes very necessary!

Connect With Family and Friends

If you’re like me, you’ve got lots of friends and family who live far away. There’s nothing better than being able to talk to them through video—it’s like you’re there in person! Video also helps keep us in touch even when we’re apart, which makes it easier for our loved ones to share their stories with us from wherever they are in the world.

professionally (or just as a hobby). It also shows how much has changed since then–you’ll probably be surprised at some things they say now compared with when they were younger.”

It’s Fun!

Taking videos is fun! You get to be in front of the camera and have everyone laugh at your antics. It’s like being on stage but without having to memorize lines. The best part is that you don’t have to be an actor or actress to produce great results. Just show up and let your personality shine through! This definitely applies to taking videos of your kids as well. 

It’s Easier Than You Think

You don’t need any special skills or equipment to make awesome videos. All you need is a camera that shoots video, some editing software (like Final Cut Pro X or Movie Maker), and some gusto! Your imagination is the limit when it comes to what kind of videos you can create for your family members’ birthdays, holidays, or just because they’re special people in your life who deserve some extra attention once in a while.

Memories Fade Fast

Memory is a fragile thing. As we age, the memories we have made fade away. We forget what happened on that trip to the zoo or that time when our son learned how to ride a bike. Memories fade over time, but they are also more vivid when you record them with video. Video allows you to capture those moments and play them back anytime you want—whether it’s five years from now or 50 years from now. Video is a great way to preserve memories so they don’t get lost in the shuffle of life!

Memories fade quickly, just like a sunset! Make sure to document those special moments.

Create Lasting Legacies

There’s something about seeing family members in old videos that kids just love. Kids love to watch their parents when they were young, their grandparents when they were young, their great grandparents when they were young… you get the idea.

The same goes for your kids watching you as a kid. They’ll love it! And don’t forget: there are plenty of ways to share these videos across generations – whether they’re on VHS or DVD (or even online), every family needs at least one copy of each video!


There you have it—a few reasons why we think everyone should be taking more videos of their family, and the little moments that make up the big memories in life. Whether you want to know what other people are doing with their lives (and vice versa), to relive your own childhood, or to make sure that your kids never forget how cool you were when they were young, video is a great way to do this. So keep on filming!

If you enjoyed this article on family videography, or think we left out anything important, please leave us a comment below! We would love to hear from you!

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