Making Magical Memories with Your Family (DIY Christmas Videos)

Making Magical Memories with Your Family (DIY Christmas Videos)

The twinkling lights, the scent of pine in the air, and the pressure to make it unforgettable for your little ones. You want to capture the magic, bottle it up in a series of heartwarming DIY Christmas videos, but there’s a whisper of doubt that keeps you up at night. What if you’re not creative enough? What if those videos turn out to be more cringe than cherish?

Here’s the thing: you’re not alone.

Every parent wants to sprinkle a bit of that festive fairy dust on their family’s memories, but not everyone feels like they’ve got the magic touch. Maybe you’re picturing those flawlessly edited videos you’ve seen online and thinking, “I can’t compete with that.”

But guess what? It’s not about competing.

It’s about creating something that, years from now, will transport you back to these moments, laughter, and love that define your family’s Christmas.

So, let’s toss the doubt out with the wrapping paper scraps. I promise you, by the end of this, you’ll have all the tools and confidence you need to craft those magical memories with just a camera and your family’s unique sparkle.

Let’s begin.

1.       Planning Your DIY Christmas Video


  • Brainstorm as a family: Pick a theme that reflects your unique family vibe, whether it’s adventurous, cozy, or comedic.
  • Be real: Focus on what genuinely represents your family’s Christmas, not perfection.


  • Sketch a rough outline: Use simple drawings to map out scenes, ensuring a smooth flow from start to finish.
  • Highlight key moments: Plan for the beginning (anticipation), middle (main event), and end (wind-down) of your Christmas story.

Involving the Family

  • Assign roles based on interests: Camera work for the tech-savvy, directing for the storytellers.
  • Encourage input: Incorporate everyone’s ideas, from decoration tips to story reenactments.

Setting the Scene

Choosing Locations

  • Use your home and outdoors: Decorated rooms and snowy backyards provide perfect backdrops.
  • Embrace uniqueness: Even unconventional spots in your home can add character.

Props and Costumes

  • Get creative with what you have: Turn everyday items into props and costumes, emphasizing fun and festivity.
  • Involve everyone in costume design: Use old clothes and accessories to craft festive outfits.

Shooting the Video

Equipment Overview

  • Utilize smartphones or digital cameras: Focus on stability and natural lighting.
  • Keep it simple: The essence is in capturing moments, not the technical quality.

Filming Techniques

  • Experiment with angles: Low angles for grandeur, close-ups for emotion, pans for storytelling.
  • Stay dynamic, yet simple: Move around and let scenes unfold naturally.

Capturing Candid Moments

  • Focus on spontaneity: The magic lies in unscripted laughter, playful mishaps, and genuine interactions.

2.       Editing and Adding Magic

Selecting the Best Clips

First up, dive into all the footage you’ve captured. Your goal? To find those golden moments that truly encapsulate your family’s Christmas spirit. Think laughter, the unwrapping frenzy, the quiet after the storm. Variety is key – balance close-up emotional shots with wider scenes that capture the group dynamics.

Editing Software Basics

Navigating editing software might seem daunting, but fear not. Opt for user-friendly platforms like iMovie or Adobe Premiere Rush. The basics you’ll want to get down pat include trimming clips, crafting smooth transitions, and overlaying text to narrate your story or add festive greetings.

Adding Music and Sound Effects

Here’s where your video starts to sing. Background music sets the tone; pick tracks that mirror your video’s vibe. Sound effects, when used with a light touch, can amplify moments or add a dash of humor. Imagine the comedic value of a strategically placed slip sound or the cozy ambiance created by the crackling of a fireplace.

Special Effects and Filters

Special effects and filters are like the icing on a Christmas cake – best when used sparingly. A subtle snowfall effect or a filter that adds a warm glow can elevate the festive atmosphere. Remember, these tools are here to enhance, not overshadow, your family’s story.

3.       Sharing and Preserving Your Christmas Video

Choosing the Right Platform

When it’s time to share your masterpiece, think about your audience. For family eyes only, a private YouTube link or cloud share keeps it just between you. If you’re keen to spread the holiday cheer far and wide, social media platforms are your stage.

Making it Interactive

Why not make the first viewing of your Christmas video an event in itself? Picture a family gathering, the living room aglow with anticipation. It’s more than just watching a video; it’s about reliving those moments together, sparking conversations, and maybe even planning what next year’s video could include.

Preserving the Memory

Lastly, safeguard your labor of love. Back up your video in multiple places. Consider this the beginning of an invaluable collection – a yearly snapshot of your family’s journey. Imagine looking back over a decade of Christmas videos, each a chapter in your family’s ongoing story.

Capturing the Essence of Now

Feeling like your creativity is as dim as a burnt-out Christmas light? Worried your DIY video might turn out more blooper reel than blockbuster?

It’s normal. The thought of capturing the perfect family moment can feel as daunting as scaling a mountain with a camera strapped to your back. But here’s the secret: those imperfections, the shaky shots, the off-key carols—they’re not just acceptable; they’re precious. They’re the real, unpolished gems of your family’s story.


This guide isn’t just about the technical how-to; it’s a nudge to see beyond the lens, to the heart of what makes your family unique. The laughter, the mess, the togetherness—it’s all part of a bigger picture, a narrative that’s yours to tell. And that narrative? It’s perfect in its imperfection.

So, take a breath. Grab that camera.

Remember, you’re not aiming for Oscar-worthy; you’re aiming for heartworthy. It’s about making memories, not just videos. When you finally press play, know that you’ve captured something irreplaceable: a slice of life, a moment in time, a testament to your family’s bond.

Feel inspired to elevate your family videos? Dive into Family Video Pro, our online course crafted to enhance your videography skills and capture precious moments effortlessly. Discover the art of family storytelling at your own pace. Embrace the joy of preserving memories authentically. If you enjoyed this article, or think we left out anything important, please leave us a comment below! We would love to hear from you!

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