Family Vlogging 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting and Succeeding in Vlogging Together

Family Vlogging 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting and Succeeding in Vlogging Together

Ever felt like the world’s spinning a bit too fast and you’re just trying to catch up, camera in hand, kids in tow? Yeah, we’ve all been there. 

You’re thinking, “If only I had a little nudge in the right direction, these home videos could be the next big hit.” Well, guess what? You’re not alone in that thought, and it’s totally okay to seek that guiding light.

So, you’ve got dreams of hitting the ‘upload’ button and watching the views skyrocket, but there’s that nagging voice whispering, “Am I doing this right?” Here’s the deal: perfection’s a myth, especially in the beautifully chaotic world of family vlogging. It’s all about the real, the raw, and the wonderfully imperfect moments that make your family’s story one of a kind.

Did you know viewing time for family vloggers shot up by a whopping 90% and has been on the rise ever since? That’s a lot of eyes on family adventures, and yours could be next!

Ready to turn those candid giggles and impromptu dance-offs into vlogging gold? I promise, by the end of this guide, you’ll be armed with the know-how to not just start, but to thrive in the vlogging universe. 

Getting Started

Understanding Vlogging

Vlogging – it’s like your family’s open diary, but instead of words, it’s full of living, breathing memories. It’s not just about slapping a video online; it’s about storytelling, sharing your journey, and maybe even inspiring someone else along the way. 

Family vlogging? That’s a whole new ball game. It’s where chaos meets creativity. It’s where your toddler’s tantrum over breakfast becomes a relatable episode that has other parents nodding and chuckling in solidarity.

Setting Goals and Expectations 

Now, let’s talk turkey. Before you hit record, sit down with your clan. What’s the dream here? World fame or just capturing the giggles for grandma? Be real with yourselves. Maybe you’re aiming to be the next big thing since sliced bread, or perhaps you’re just keen on preserving memories that don’t fade. Whatever it is, sketch it out. Goals are like GPS for your content; they’ll keep you from getting lost in the video vortex.

Planning Your Vlog

  • Content Brainstorming – You’ve got a treasure trove of tales in your family, but which gems will you share with the world? Brainstorming is the key.

    Picture this: a family pow-wow where everyone throws ideas into the pot. Little Lucy wants to showcase her slime creations, and Dad’s itching to share his BBQ secrets. 

There’s your start.

Find that sweet spot where everyone’s passions align, and you’ve struck content gold.

  • Scheduling and Consistency – Ever heard, “Consistency is king”? Well, in the vlogging realm, it’s the crown jewel. It’s not just about what you post, but when you post.

    Set up a rhythm that your viewers can groove to. Maybe it’s “Slime Saturdays” or “BBQ Wednesdays” – whatever it is, make it as regular as morning toast. Your audience will thank you for it.

Technical Setup

Equipment and Tools 

Alright, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty. 

You don’t need to break the bank to capture those golden moments. A smartphone can be your trusty steed in this adventure. But if you’re ready to level up, consider a DSLR or mirrorless camera – they’re the secret sauce to those crispy, clear shots. If you want more information on the type of equipment you need for your family videos, check out this article here.

And don’t forget a good mic; it’s like the difference between a whisper and a conversation. Remember the Eh Bee Family? They started simple and look at them now, with millions hanging onto their every word. 

Creating a Filming Space 

Your home is more than walls and a roof; it’s a backdrop for memories. That corner with the morning sun streaming in? It’s perfect for capturing the laughter over pancakes. 

And the living room chaos? 

It’s prime real estate for a day-in-the-life feature. Just ask the ACE Family, who turned their daily routines into a vlog empire. Lighting and sound are your co-stars here. A ring light and a quiet room can turn a bland shot into a scene worth watching.

Filming Your Vlog

Involving the family

Lights, camera, action! It’s showtime, and every family member is a star in their own right. Dad’s behind the lens, mom’s wrangling the props, and the kids? 

They’re the main event. Assign roles that play to each person’s strengths – maybe your teen’s the director, calling the shots, or your little one’s on blooper patrol, keeping things light. 

Remember the Shaytards? They turned family antics into an art form, and viewers couldn’t get enough.

Storytelling Techniques 

Now, let’s spin a yarn that’ll stick. Your family’s daily dance-off? That’s not just a routine; it’s a saga of rhythm and chaos. 

Capture the moments that tell a story – the build-up, the climax, the resolution. It’s the stuff binge-worthy episodes are made of. Think of the Bucket List Family, globe-trotting with a purpose, each vlog a chapter in their grand adventure.

Editing and Post-Production

Editing Basics 

Editing is where the magic happens, where raw footage transforms into a story with a heartbeat. Start with the basics: trimming the fat, and keeping the golden moments. 

It’s like cooking – you season to taste. Cut out the dull bits, keep the zingers, and suddenly, you’ve got a vlog that’s all killer, with no filler.

Adding Special Effects 

Now, let’s jazz it up. Special effects aren’t just for the Spielbergs of the world. A well-placed transition or a dash of background music can elevate your vlog from home movie to blockbuster. But remember, less is more. You’re not making ‘Star Wars’. Use effects to enhance, not overshadow, your family’s story.

Growing Your Audience

Social Media and Marketing

You’ve got the content; now let’s shout it from the digital rooftops. Social media isn’t just for scrolling; it’s your launchpad. Share snippets, behind-the-scenes peeks, and those ‘oops’ moments. 

It’s about creating a buzz, a vibe that screams ‘family fun’. And engagement? Reply to those comments, start conversations, and be the neighbor everyone loves. That’s how you turn viewers into fans.

Collaboration and Networking 

Think of collaboration as the neighborhood barbecue – everyone’s invited, and you’re the host. Team up with fellow vloggers, swap stories, and share audiences. 

It’s like cross-pollination for YouTube channels. Networking’s not just schmoozing; it’s about building a community, one that supports and grows together.

Monetization and Legal Considerations

Monetization Strategies

Here’s where the rubber meets the road. Monetization – it’s not a dirty word; it’s a reward for your hard work. Ads, sponsorships, affiliate links – they’re all part of the game. It’s like setting up a lemonade stand that the whole world walks past. Offer them something sweet, and the coins will clink.

Understanding the Legalities 

Now, let’s talk shop. The legal side of vlogging is as crucial as the camera you film with. It’s about protecting your brood while sharing your life. Get consent, especially when the kiddos are involved, and keep a lid on privacy. It’s like building a fence – it keeps the good stuff in and the prying eyes out.

And there you have it.  A comprehensive guide to starting and succeeding in family vlogging. Remember, it’s about the journey, not just the destination. So, grab your camera, gather the family, and start telling your story.

Wrapping Up

You’re standing at the edge of something great. Can you feel it? 

That tingle in your fingers, the flutter in your chest—it’s not just nerves, it’s the thrill of creation. You’re about to step into the spotlight, not just as a parent or a partner, but as a storyteller, a memory keeper, and a digital pioneer.

Think about it. You’ve got the tools, the know-how, and a family crew ready to board the vlog ship. You’re the captain now. And sure, the seas of content creation might get choppy, but you’ve got the map, the compass, and the stars to guide you—everything this guide has equipped you with.

With every click, cut, and upload, you’re weaving your family’s legacy into the vast tapestry of the internet. Your stories, laughter, and even the bloopers—they’re all gems that the world is waiting to see.

And remember, this isn’t just about views or likes; it’s about carving out your slice of eternity, about etching your family’s name in the halls of digital history. It’s about the joy, the journey, and the bonds that only grow stronger with every ‘action’ and ‘cut’.

The stage is set, the cameras are rolling, and the world is your audience. Go ahead, make your mark, and take a bow. You’ve earned it.

If you enjoyed this article on family vlogging, or think we left out anything important, please leave us a comment below! We would love to hear from you! For more information on how to create family videos, check out our beginner’s guide here.

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