7 Memories You NEED To Film During The Holiday Season

7 Memories You NEED To Film During The Holiday Season

Ever find yourself watching old holiday videos and it’s just… well, the same ol’ opening presents, clinking glasses, and the grand feast? 

Sure, they’re like the ‘Greatest Hits’ of holiday moments, but what about the B-sides, the deep tracks, the real stuff that makes you say, “Oh yeah, I remember that madness!”

Why settle for the same playlist every year when you can mix it up with some truly unique memories? Let’s talk about capturing those quirky, candid moments that really tell the story of your holidays—the ones that’ll have you chuckling and reminiscing for years to come.

Ready to roll? Let’s hit record on this holiday season’s blooper reel!

The Parking Lot Chaos

Picture this: you’re at the mall, holiday tunes are blaring, and there’s not a parking spot in sight. You’re circling like a shark, and just when you spot a sliver of hope, some speed demon in a hatchback swoops in. 

Sound familiar?

Let’s be real, the parking lot during the holidays is like a wild safari. It’s every shopper for themselves out there. And the chaos? It’s comedy gold. Why not capture that madness? The honks, the gestures, the guy who can’t quite fit his SUV into that compact space—this is the stuff of legends.

So, next time you’re battling it out for a spot, hit record. Trust me, you’ll want to remember the great ‘Parking Lot Showdown of 2024’. It’s the kind of memory that’ll get the whole family roaring with laughter every time you replay it.

The Failed Pinterest Craft

Ever seen those Pinterest crafts that look so easy, you think to yourself, “Even I can’t mess this up”? Fast forward a few hours, and you’ve got glue in your hair, glitter everywhere, and something that vaguely resembles… well, let’s just call it abstract art.

Here’s the thing: those craft fails? They’re a rite of passage during the holidays. 

And they’re hilarious. So why not film the whole glorious disaster as it unfolds? It’s not just about the laughs, though. It’s about being real, showing that it’s okay to try and not nail it every time.

Imagine looking back at that video and seeing everyone covered in paint, laughing, and just having a blast. That’s the good stuff, the memories that stick. So, grab that camera and start rolling—you won’t regret it.

Dressing the Pet In a Costume

You know what’s cuter than a puppy? A puppy in a Santa hat. 

And you know what’s funnier than a cat? A cat dressed as a reindeer, looking like it’s plotting your demise. It’s a holiday spectacle that deserves its own feature film.

So, why not make your pet the star of the show this season? Grab that elf costume and your camera, and let the good times roll. Whether they’re strutting their stuff or just sitting there wondering what on earth is going on, it’s a moment you’ll want to capture.

And let’s be honest, when you’re scrolling through your phone next July, what’s going to make you smile more? Another photo of a cookie or your furry friend in a tutu? Exactly.

The Burnt Food Fail

The scent of the holidays: pine, peppermint, and… is that charred stuffing? Yep, we’ve all smelled it. The holiday feast is a time of culinary highs, but let’s not forget those epic fails that leave us with a smoky kitchen and a story for the ages.

So, when the cookies come out looking like coal, don’t sweat it—film it! It’s these moments that add flavor to our holiday tales. Plus, they’re a gentle reminder that it’s okay not to be perfect. In fact, it’s these burnt offerings that often bring us together, laughing and bonding over a shared mishap.

And who knows? 

Maybe one day, you’ll look back at that video and think, “Hey, we did our best, and it was pretty darn fun.” So keep that camera handy, because even the best-laid plans can go awry—and that’s worth capturing.

The Power Nap

Noticed how the holidays can turn even the most energetic elf into a snoozing Santa? That’s right, I’m talking about the post-prep power nap. It’s that moment when someone, after hours of hustling and bustling, finally plops down on the couch and is out like a light.

Don’t just tiptoe around them—capture it. 

There’s something hilariously heartwarming about a loved one, decked out in their holiday best, snoring softly amidst the chaos. It’s the calm in the eye of the festive storm, and it’s pure gold.

So, when you see grandpa dozing off with a half-eaten cookie in hand, or your little cousin curled up under the tree, get that camera rolling. These are the candid shots that’ll make you smile for years to come. 

Because let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good nap?

Tagging the Tree

You’ve heard of signing yearbooks, but have you ever thought about signing your Christmas tree? That’s right, it’s time to put a twist on tradition and create a living guestbook of sorts. Grab some paper ornaments and a pen, and let the memories flow!

Here’s the deal: have everyone jot down a memory, a wish, or even a little doodle, then hang it on the tree. Not only does it make for a unique decoration, but it’s also a snapshot of everyone’s thoughts and feelings during the holiday season.

So, when you’re filming, make sure to zoom in on those handwritten gems. Years from now, you’ll be able to look back and remember exactly what made that year special. It’s like a time capsule you can revisit every holiday season.

And who knows? Maybe it’ll become the new family tradition that everyone looks forward to.

Embracing the Chaos

Here we are, at the grand finale of our holiday memory-making marathon—the beautiful, bewildering, utterly chaotic heart of the holidays. It’s the moment when everything is happening all at once: the kids are running wild, the dog’s barking at the tinsel, and someone’s always in the kitchen yelling, “I need more butter!”

But here’s the thing: this chaos? It’s what the holidays are all about. It’s the life, the energy, the love that fills your home to the brim. So why not embrace it with open arms—and an open camera lens?

Film the frenzy, the laughter, the spills, and the thrills. These snippets of life, unscripted and unpolished, are the ones that truly capture the spirit of the season. They’re the memories that, years down the line, will bring a tear to your eye and a smile to your lips.

So, as you navigate the holiday whirlwind, keep that camera close. Because it’s these moments, in all their imperfect glory, that you’ll treasure the most.

Wrapping It Up

And there you have it—seven unexpected, unforgettable holiday memories that go way beyond the standard fare. These are the moments that make your holidays uniquely yours, the ones that’ll have future you saying, “Wow, we really did that, didn’t we?”

So, this holiday season, let’s make a pact to capture the good, the bad, and the hilariously chaotic. Because, trust me, these are the memories that’ll last a lifetime. If you want to learn more about making family videos, check out our beginner’s guide here!

If you enjoyed this article on family holiday activities, or think we left out anything important, please leave us a comment below! We would love to hear from you!

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